Pokrex was using MySQL, in order to support emoji, I have to switch from utf8 to utf8mb4 encoding. It’s tricky, because

  • There will be different encoding for each table and each column
  • Have to modify index length
  • Travis keep raising “767 bytes length error”

Therefore, I gave up and decided to switch to PostgreSQL.

Replace MySQL adapter mysql2 with pg

gem 'pg'

Update schema file

Update database.yml to connect to new PostgreSQL database

development: &default_settings
  adapter: postgresql
  host: localhost
  database: database_name
  username: username
  password: password
  encoding: unicode

Re-run db migration

  • Remove MySQL related options from schema.rb options: "ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8"
  • Run ./bin/rails db:migrate

Hence, schema.rb will be updated accordingly.

Update travis.yml


  - postgresql


  - psql -c 'create database travis_ci_test;' -U postgres

Load data from MySQL to PostgreSQL

  • Backup MySQL database
    mysqldump -u username -p database_name > database_name.sql
  • Install pgloader (>= 3.4.1)
  • Create command file migration.load
  FROM mysql://user:pass@localhost/database_name
  INTO postgresql://user:pass/database_name

ALTER SCHEMA 'database_name' RENAME TO 'public';
  • Run pgloader
    pgloader -v -L ./migration.log migration.load

Bingo, you’re now successfully migrated from MySQL to PostgreSQL.