Saw some code in our project:

ordered_list = %w{Python Ruby Go Erlang C# C++ Objective-C Swift Java Elixir R Javascript Haskell SmallTask Lisp} do |name|
  Lang.where(name: name).first

Which leads to too many queries to Database. Simply we can optimize this by union or union all

ordered_list = %w{Python Ruby Go Erlang C# C++ Objective-C Swift Java Elixir R Javascript Haskell SmallTask Lisp}
sql = do |name|
  "(#{Lang.where(name: name).limit(1).to_sql})"
end.join(' union all ')

find_by_sql sql

The reason here we dont hardcoded the query string like

"select * from langs where name = '#{name}' limit 1"

is because to_sql could generates different query strings depends on your database, say MySQL, Oracle.

Also I found langs table doesn’t have an index on name column, so bundle exec rake g migration add_index_to_langs

class AddIndexToLangs < ActiveRecord::Migration
  def change
    add_index :langs, :name, unique: true

bundle exec rake db:migrate

Well, tested with Benchmark, much faster than before, about 10 times.

You may be curious why use union all instead of union, let me tell the differences:

  • union will remove the duplicate record which absolutely cost a little bit performance.
  • union all on the contrary, won’t compress the results.

In the code above we already called a limit on the query, so no need to compress the results.
