We had recently released a story, which allow one app to serve with 2 domains. I’m writing the details down if other guys need some references. Note, in our case, there’re 2 domains, this solution could also work with more than 2 domains.

I’ll start with two perspectives, Route and Business logic.


We have hosts.yml file with domains/hosts configured in it.

development: &development
  site_1: site1.dev
  site_2: site2.dev


  site_1: www.site1.com
  site_2: www.site2.com

Load this config file while app starting, you can put this file into initializers directory, hosts.rb

HOSTS_CONFIG = ConfigLoader.load_yml_config('config/hosts.yml', Rails.env)
puts "Site 1 Domain: #{DOMAINS_CONFIG[:site_1]}"
puts "Site 2 Domain: #{DOMAINS_CONFIG[:site_2]}"

Detect request host in Routes

  1. Define a custom constraint class in lib/domain_constraint.rb:
class Site1HostConstraint
  def matches?
    HOSTS_CONFIG[:site_1] == request.host
  1. Use the class in your routes with the new block syntax
constraints Site1HostConstraint.new do
  root :to => "site_1#index"

root :to => 'main#index'

Business Logic

In order to know the current request host across the whole app, mainly including Model and View/Presenter layers. There’s one way you can pass the request.host via controller, but I think it’s sorta complex if we pass in that object everywhere. Thus I introduced a gem called request_store, this gem allows global variable in Rails.

Set current request host in ApplicationController

  1. Add before filter
before_filter :set_request_host


def set_request_host
  RequestStore.store[:host] = request.host
  1. Access current request host globally
module HostHelper
  def self.host_name

Then, you can do something like HostHelper.host_name in Model layer or Presenter layer. Also you can define methods like .site_1? .site_2?.etc.


By using Rails Route Constraint, you can decide which controller to go according to the request host. With Gem request_store, you can determine which is the current request host across whole app. I’ll come up with more about Cookie share between domains in my next post.


  • http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4207657/rails-routing-to-handle-multiple-domains-on-single-application
  • http://guides.rubyonrails.org/routing.html#advanced-constraints